Page 7 - 15 Minute Weight Loss Program (Anthony Swailes) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7

She looked great and that just made me angry.

                       She had done nothing wrong, but the last thing I needed was to be next to someone that had
                       it all.

                       But then I saw the headline on the newspaper she was reading.

                       I said, "Hey, could I read that when you're done?"

                       She said, "No, I'm keeping this. My friend was featured in it."

                       I said "Really? For what?"

                       She said "Well not exactly featured, but he does the same thing. He helps people lose weight

                       with hypnosis."

                       I said "There's no way that can work."

                       She said, "See for yourself. Go to on your phone and look it up."

                       I checked, and could not believe what I saw.

                       Here was the story of Kay Linley, 59 years old and 315 pounds.
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